Friday, August 15, 2014



Your guide to win hunger games in minecraft  hope you come out of this a great minecraft hunger games  player.

step 1: Find a hunger games server . look at the otim of the page to locate server IP.Or if you prefer click on this link  to find more server  minecraft servers  .After you find one that you like left click on the pitcher and it will take you to the previous  page  . along the left side there will be some written in one of the slides  it will say  IP copy and passed in minecraft .To past  the server you will have to go into minecraft multiplayer and click on add server past the IP in the and go add server then you will have a server to play hunger games

step 2: Go on to the server that you have downloaded and find hunger games or survival games . then find one that is not foll and start to play  .when you spawn into the game you will maybe have to what for a few minutes before the game stars . at the start there are 12 or more
cysts in the middle .If you want to you can go for the cests at the start of the game .To no when the game has started in chat there will be a countdown.

song =)
Here some awesome music put on this song "Hunger Games Song" - A Minecraft Parody of ... - YouTube to play click link.  

step 3:When you start running to find chests make sure you get everything in the chests because what you have somebody doesn't .If you find a nathe player that hasn't seen  try to sneak up to him or her and kill them .Make sure that if there is stuff that is crowding up your inventory to chuck it out  

The weapons to look for
The weapons that you want to get are .if you can not find these weapons  go for anything you can find.

If you find this you are they president of luck vile           Now if you get this you will win by far!!!!!!.

This is the armor that you want to look for.
      Order of armor
                                                              Diamond                                                       FOOD!
This is the food that you want to look for.

add on
If there is a supply drop on mineplex always look for a beacon beam in the sky and wait for it to come in to see this done like a boss watch captainsparklez hunger games
Don’t forget to subscribe =) .\

Also say I was playing with skythekidrs don’t go /kill skythekidrs because it will kill you instead I learned that the hard way

If you want to play mineplex server go to their website for IP info and even the update and to get the ultra kit

Recommended servers

Created by Cameron Dsind by Cameron . How Helped Aidan.